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Showing posts from March, 2024

Skheader:need To Edit The Header Triangle When Navigation Starts

enter image description here I have an issue regarding 'SKHeading'. When i use (SKMapSetti… Read more Skheader:need To Edit The Header Triangle When Navigation Starts

Recyclerview Change The Value Of My Phonenumber In Contactscontract When Scroll The View

I'm implementing an activity with recyclerview. I load all the contacts that I have in the phon… Read more Recyclerview Change The Value Of My Phonenumber In Contactscontract When Scroll The View

Android - Unexpected Brief Orientation Change At Switch Of Activity

I want to set the orientation of the screen dynamically in my android application. For that I use … Read more Android - Unexpected Brief Orientation Change At Switch Of Activity

I Get Parent Directory Of File Is Not Writable For An Sdcard Export

I have this code: public static class ExportDatabaseFileTask extends AsyncTask { private Conte… Read more I Get Parent Directory Of File Is Not Writable For An Sdcard Export

Getsupportactionbar() The Method Getsupportactionbar() Is Undefined For The Type Taskactivity. Why?

I was recommended to extend my Activity class from ActionBarActivity Here is the previous code: imp… Read more Getsupportactionbar() The Method Getsupportactionbar() Is Undefined For The Type Taskactivity. Why?

Which Is Android/java Corresponding Method To The C#/c++ Method Gettickcount()?

I wanna know a corresponding method in Android/Java that is like the GetTickCount method in C#/C++?… Read more Which Is Android/java Corresponding Method To The C#/c++ Method Gettickcount()?

Android Match Contact From Contactlist

I have try this is working fine.. public class Test extends Activity implements OnItemClic… Read more Android Match Contact From Contactlist

Google Play Console - Crash Report: Java.lang.runtimeexception

I received some crash reports from users of one of my apps in the Google Play Store. This is the st… Read more Google Play Console - Crash Report: Java.lang.runtimeexception

How To Set Android_sdk_root In Mac?

I am trying to use Cordova for app development. For now I am focusing on Android. I am trying to ru… Read more How To Set Android_sdk_root In Mac?

Android - Displaying Webview In Fragment

So I have a fragment with the following in the XML layout file: Copy Solution 2: Below is the xml … Read more Android - Displaying Webview In Fragment

Can't Click On Listview Whose Rows Are Made Of Webviews

I have an Activity which extends ListView The ListView that I use is an extension of ArrayAdapter a… Read more Can't Click On Listview Whose Rows Are Made Of Webviews

Open Android Sdk Manager Visual Studio 2015

How can I open the Android SDK Manager in the last Visual studio to update the android sdk version?… Read more Open Android Sdk Manager Visual Studio 2015

Cannot Convert From To

I'm doing my first Android app, and wanted to get straight into the ICS API. I have so far crea… Read more Cannot Convert From To

Scala + Android Newbie

I am trying to use the scala-andriod plugin and I am having a problem running and configuring AVD&#… Read more Scala + Android Newbie

Instrumentation Run Failed Due To 'java.lang.noclassdeffounderror' After Adding Multidex To My Application

This is the continuation of this question: Unable to merge dex - how to exclude proper jar? I have … Read more Instrumentation Run Failed Due To 'java.lang.noclassdeffounderror' After Adding Multidex To My Application

Updating Or Inserting In A Table With Keeping The Row Numbers To One

I am trying to see if there is something in my table update it and if not insert one row. So basica… Read more Updating Or Inserting In A Table With Keeping The Row Numbers To One

How To Load More Data In Recyclerview On Scroll Using Json Api

I am implementing pagination in recyclerview on scroll. I am fetching data from JSON API. Below is … Read more How To Load More Data In Recyclerview On Scroll Using Json Api

Skewing A Bitmap Only In The Vertical Direction

I want to skew (correct me if this is not the correct word) a bitmap so that it appears to have dep… Read more Skewing A Bitmap Only In The Vertical Direction

Finishing An Activity From Broadcastreceiver - Android

Possible Duplicate: Finishing an Activity from a Broadcast Receiver Please observe the scenario I… Read more Finishing An Activity From Broadcastreceiver - Android

Weird Options Menu -button In Navigation Bar (android 4.0)

What is this options menu button and how I can get rid of it? See image Solution 1: Its the legacy… Read more Weird Options Menu -button In Navigation Bar (android 4.0)

Android Studio Handle Request Of Volley Library

How to handle request/response volley library, When i use method POST. I want to set Toast when pos… Read more Android Studio Handle Request Of Volley Library

Android Maps V2 Application Crashes On Phone

I've used my app on my phone(Samsung Galaxy S3, 4.1.2) as people adviced me to when it comes to… Read more Android Maps V2 Application Crashes On Phone

Could Not Resolve Org.jetbrains:annotations:{strictly 13.0}

When I use in my Android project androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.1&#… Read more Could Not Resolve Org.jetbrains:annotations:{strictly 13.0}

Android Httppost Network Violation

I have a problem with my android app. I mean I'm using the code from one of tuts in the interne… Read more Android Httppost Network Violation

How Can I Change The Font Of Search View Suggestion?

I searched for hours all they suggest is using customized cursor adapter. however I'm using con… Read more How Can I Change The Font Of Search View Suggestion?

I My Using Google Mapv2 And I M Downloading Image From Google Place Api And Want To Display In The Popup

i m using all the classes for geting image through Url. ImageView imV= ((ImageView) view.f… Read more I My Using Google Mapv2 And I M Downloading Image From Google Place Api And Want To Display In The Popup

Camera Intent Return Null Only On Some Devices

I am using camera to capture image and set the returned bitmap into an imageview but it is crashing… Read more Camera Intent Return Null Only On Some Devices

Printjob Not Updating

I need help please with updating my printJob on Android. I am modifying the printJobInfo, specifica… Read more Printjob Not Updating

Aws Iam Create New User Returning Html Instead Of Xml Response Android

I am creating a new user through android app programatically using amazon web-service. here is my c… Read more Aws Iam Create New User Returning Html Instead Of Xml Response Android

How To Retrieve An Image From A Sqlite Database?

I am storing an image taken from camera into sqlite database can anybody help me to retrieve the sa… Read more How To Retrieve An Image From A Sqlite Database?

How Do You Find Your Google Cast App Id (app_id) In The 2017 Google Play Developer Console?

I can no longer find the app_id that is required for the implementation of Google Play Services inc… Read more How Do You Find Your Google Cast App Id (app_id) In The 2017 Google Play Developer Console?

How To Tie A Bottomsheet At The Bottom View Of The Layout

Through ConstraintLayout, I am using a BottomSheet to show content of a map detail. My idea is the … Read more How To Tie A Bottomsheet At The Bottom View Of The Layout

How To Reference Child Activity From Tabhost To Call A Public Function?

I have a TabHost with two child activities in it (in two tabs). I also implemented a public functio… Read more How To Reference Child Activity From Tabhost To Call A Public Function?

When To Bind A Service And When Not To Bind A Service

I have been paging through the Android documentation and I was curious. When would you bind a servi… Read more When To Bind A Service And When Not To Bind A Service

No Adapter Attached , Skipping Layout Error

Hi i've found some code on the internet and i'm trying to test it but i get this No adapter… Read more No Adapter Attached , Skipping Layout Error

Why Does This Only Work Inside A Host Class That Extends Fragmentactivity?

I have a fragment with the following layout: my_fragment.xml <LinearLayout xmlns:android='ht… Read more Why Does This Only Work Inside A Host Class That Extends Fragmentactivity?

Android Can You Get An Activity Result From A Chained Startactivityforresult

I have the following activity screens Activity A - contains a button that links to Activity B Activ… Read more Android Can You Get An Activity Result From A Chained Startactivityforresult

Unable To Launch Android Emulator Outside Of Android Studio On Macosx

I am getting the following error after I pinned qemu process to the dock then quit and click on it … Read more Unable To Launch Android Emulator Outside Of Android Studio On Macosx

Decrypting Data On Desktop That Was Encrypted On Android

I have an app which encrypts some text strings, and then writes these to a file. The desktop versio… Read more Decrypting Data On Desktop That Was Encrypted On Android

Android Activity Singleton

I have an activity called MainActivity. This activity launches a notification that has a PendingInt… Read more Android Activity Singleton

How To Solve Deployment Error In Xamarin Forms?

I have just updated Visual Studio 2017 and create one new project. It build successfully but giving… Read more How To Solve Deployment Error In Xamarin Forms?

Issue With Actionbaractivitydelegate Doesn't Run

Hello i hope someone can help me with his I was planning to put an action bar in my test app, so I … Read more Issue With Actionbaractivitydelegate Doesn't Run

Sorting A Recyclerview

Hi guys How would i be able to sort a recyclerview by the data that is within a certain textview wh… Read more Sorting A Recyclerview

Android Network Is Unreachable - Enetunreach

I'm having a weird error on my android application. I'm testing with a local server using X… Read more Android Network Is Unreachable - Enetunreach

Call Method In Another Thread On Completion

Currently, I am using firebase Realtime Database. Hence, my data changes come from another thread. … Read more Call Method In Another Thread On Completion

Setting Drawable Defined In Xml As View's Background In Android

I'm trying to set a shape defined in XML as view's background. Here's it: Solution 1:… Read more Setting Drawable Defined In Xml As View's Background In Android

How To Add .aar Dependency In Library Module?

I am having one .aar file of one library module. I want to use it as a library or dependency in my … Read more How To Add .aar Dependency In Library Module?

How To Select Child In Expandablelistview?

I already asked the question but with no success. So I'm asking again (sorry btw). I still have… Read more How To Select Child In Expandablelistview?

How Can I Upload And Retrieve An Image To Firebase Storage In Android In 2018 (tasksnapshot/getdownloadurl Deprecated) (closed)

Update: my problem is solved now. How can i upload and retrieve an image to firebase storage in and… Read more How Can I Upload And Retrieve An Image To Firebase Storage In Android In 2018 (tasksnapshot/getdownloadurl Deprecated) (closed)

Same Keystore For Different App

I have used always the same keystore and same alias key for all published app... This is a right ch… Read more Same Keystore For Different App

How To Send Date Formatted With Z And T To An Api Using Retrofit?

I have the following example path to my API - base_url/path/{country}/path/path?from=2020-03-01T00:… Read more How To Send Date Formatted With Z And T To An Api Using Retrofit?

Android Packaging Problem: Resources.ap_ Does Not Exist

I am trying to fix a problem in Eclipse for like 3 hours and I haven't made any progress. Tomor… Read more Android Packaging Problem: Resources.ap_ Does Not Exist

Android Launch An Activity From A Broadcast Receiver

I know it may not be best practice but this is what i want to do. When my broadcast receiver is cal… Read more Android Launch An Activity From A Broadcast Receiver

Android Toolbar Instead Of Action Bar

I'm trying to use Toolbar instead of ActionBar. In Android 5.0.+ it works but in 4.4 the status… Read more Android Toolbar Instead Of Action Bar

Xamarin: Android Widget With Timer, Stops When App Killed

I have this code: public class MyWidgetProvider : AppWidgetProvider { public override void OnUp… Read more Xamarin: Android Widget With Timer, Stops When App Killed

Make A Normal Layout Look Like A Preferencescreen

The PreferenceScreen isn't good enough for me, since I've to add items to a Spinner. Those … Read more Make A Normal Layout Look Like A Preferencescreen

Using Buttons Within A Viewpager

I am trying to use a ViewPager where users can interact within each pane. For this ViewPager, I am … Read more Using Buttons Within A Viewpager

Adding Functionality To Back Key In Android To Go To Previous Folder Location In A File Manager

I know this has been discussed so many times but really I am not able to figure it out. I am so s… Read more Adding Functionality To Back Key In Android To Go To Previous Folder Location In A File Manager

Gridview Not Fit For All Screens In Android

I am working in an Android app. In this I have an issue that my GridView and images are not get fit… Read more Gridview Not Fit For All Screens In Android

Illegalargumentexception Chacha20 Requires 128 Bit Or 256 Bit Key

How could I convert String to 128 or 256 bit key for chacha20 Encryption . ChaCha20Encryptor c… Read more Illegalargumentexception Chacha20 Requires 128 Bit Or 256 Bit Key

Getting The Child Tag Based On Parent Tag From Xml

guys i have the following xml I need to parse the xml like this First i need to goto that S… Read more Getting The Child Tag Based On Parent Tag From Xml

Android: How To Pick Multiple Contacts

I'm using this code to let the user choose a contact: Intent contactPickerIntent = new Intent(I… Read more Android: How To Pick Multiple Contacts

Empty Arraylist - Firebase Data Retrieval

I am currently trying to run a query on my firebase DB, I can see the values that I want in my logs… Read more Empty Arraylist - Firebase Data Retrieval

How To Get Current Time On Another City Correctly?

I have managed to read the web service to get current time of any given city. I could get 2 importa… Read more How To Get Current Time On Another City Correctly?

Pass Params Using Get Method Using Volley Library

How can we pass params from editText to url using request.GET method. Actually I am trying to pass … Read more Pass Params Using Get Method Using Volley Library

Calculate Height Of Appwidget

I cannot figure out or find a solution by googling for this problem. I have an android app with an … Read more Calculate Height Of Appwidget

Using Google Api Key With Restriction In Android

While creating Google Maps API key there are four restrictions we can apply:- IP addresses (web se… Read more Using Google Api Key With Restriction In Android

Gradle Cannot Resolve Dependencies Classpath From Jcenter() In Android Studio

I`m using android studio 1.5.1 on ubuntu. I want to add google analytic to my android app.So I foll… Read more Gradle Cannot Resolve Dependencies Classpath From Jcenter() In Android Studio

Android Relativelayout Change Color Onclick

How do i change the color of a Relative Layout i use as a clickable on Click like the normal Button… Read more Android Relativelayout Change Color Onclick

How To Create Json In Android

How do I create nested JSON in Android. The JSON data should look like this : JSON Customername = R… Read more How To Create Json In Android

How Can I Silently Push An Apk And Get It Installed By Android Device Policy Using Android Management Api?

I am trying to push an APK to the device and get it installed by Android device policy (Device owne… Read more How Can I Silently Push An Apk And Get It Installed By Android Device Policy Using Android Management Api?