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Looking For Android Gmail Smtp Oauth Example

Why is it so hard to find an Android example of sending email using Oauth and Google Mail? I am new to Java and Android and am having a hard time working this out. It is possible?

Solution 1:

XOAUTH and Android with source code:

Implementing SMTP or IMAP XOAuth


Solution 2:

I actually asked if there was a "production quality" OAuth implementation around in another question:

Is there a production quality OAuth sample for Android?

Looks like that example I linked to is the best that's floating around. I've ended up having to tweek it a bit to make it really work as expected (have the back button work as expected for example). The best technique I've been able to dig up so far is to have the activity which launches the OAuth activity set as singleTask, and when you swap back to it from the OAuth activity set the FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP flag in the intent.

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