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How To Solve Deployment Error In Xamarin Forms?

I have just updated Visual Studio 2017 and create one new project. It build successfully but giving deployment error. Application doesn't deploy on my Samsung J7 device. Before the

Solution 1:

there are four solutions:

-read this post

-This bug is in last version Visual Studio 15.6. If you use this version make downgrade to 15.5.

  1. How delete current version

  2. Download older version - select your version on this page.

-Or wait for the next update

-or disable the signing of the apk in the properties of your project. Edit your csproj and set :


But in this case you will not be able to publish your package in Google Play.

Solution 2:

download the used SDK. Update your visual Studio(if u r not using the latest one). Check Paths. Restart Visual Studio after that. it will run

Solution 3:

About 15.6.1, I suggest you uninstall all of your Android SDK, and reinstall, it works for me!

Also you can refer to this.

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