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Pass Params Using Get Method Using Volley Library

How can we pass params from editText to url using request.GET method. Actually I am trying to pass an email address as parameter to a api which should b attached to api-url . I cam

Solution 1:

As suggested by @Puneet worked for me which is as :

getParams is only called for POST requests. GET requests don't have a body and hence, getParams is never called. For a simple request like yours just add the parameters to your URL and use that constructed URL to make that request to your server (REG_URL + "?email=" + email).

Solution 2:

To pass the parameters, you need to create a class for the key-value pairs.

1) Create a class KeyValuePair with two fields key and value with appropriate constructor and getter-setter methods.

2) Now, for each parameter, you need to create an object of this class, i.e., for a key username with value, the object would be new KeyValuePair("username", "").

3) Now, you need to create a List to store these parameters and pass this list to the below method with your base url,

publicstatic String generateUrl(String baseUrl, List<KeyValuePair> params) {
    if (params.size() > 0) {
        for (KeyValuePair parameter: params) {
            if (parameter.getKey().trim().length() > 0)
                baseUrl += "&" + parameter.getKey() + "=" + parameter.getValue();
    return baseUrl;

4) Pass this baseUrl to your Request.

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