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Showing posts from September, 2023

What Is The Purpose Of Defined Process In Service Class Of Manifest File In Android?

I want to know the purpose of pro Solution 1: From Android documentation http://developer.androi… Read more What Is The Purpose Of Defined Process In Service Class Of Manifest File In Android?

Trying To Use Arraylist To Hold Image Resources

In my app, I have a bunch of images in my drawable folder which I select at random and display usin… Read more Trying To Use Arraylist To Hold Image Resources

Firebase Storage Bug Trying To Insert Data Into My Database

I have been looking around some questions but can't get to the point of what I'm doing wron… Read more Firebase Storage Bug Trying To Insert Data Into My Database

Alert Dialog Inside A Setclickonlistener Not Showing

This is my class public class TeamUpAttack extends OrmLiteBaseActivity { @Override … Read more Alert Dialog Inside A Setclickonlistener Not Showing

Cordova 6.4.0: Android Platform Install Whitelist Error

I'm setting up a first cordova projecct. After installing globally Cordova and creting a first … Read more Cordova 6.4.0: Android Platform Install Whitelist Error

Illegalargumentexception While Selecting Text In Android Textview

I encountered a crash while deselecting text in a selectable Android TextView. This happens when I … Read more Illegalargumentexception While Selecting Text In Android Textview

Dynamic Length Of Listview Of Edittext Not Saving Input

I have listview of edittext boxes. I also have a button to add a new row into the list, thus, the … Read more Dynamic Length Of Listview Of Edittext Not Saving Input

Simulate Long Press In Javascript

I have a webapp where when the user clicks on a field, the text inside is highlighted for him to co… Read more Simulate Long Press In Javascript

Converting Togglebutton Boolean To Integer Values Then Add Together In A Textview

I want to use four togglebuttons (eventually eight, twelve or sixteen) and give a value to each dep… Read more Converting Togglebutton Boolean To Integer Values Then Add Together In A Textview

Java Android Calendar/dateformat This Format Xxxxxxxx

I actually use this Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); final String currentDate = DateFo… Read more Java Android Calendar/dateformat This Format Xxxxxxxx

Android Dynamically Setting A 9-patch Background On Edittext Widget

firstly thank you for taking the time to read this. So I have created three 9-patch files which are… Read more Android Dynamically Setting A 9-patch Background On Edittext Widget

Installing A List Of Apk Automatically And Programmatically

I have a list of APK and it should be installed automatically. here's my current situation. fi… Read more Installing A List Of Apk Automatically And Programmatically

Google Playstore App Version Check Not Working Any More

For force update I used to call the app url and check the for the html tag value but suddenly it s… Read more Google Playstore App Version Check Not Working Any More

Using Application Service In Another Application

I have an android application which contains a service. Now I want to access that service in anothe… Read more Using Application Service In Another Application

Programmatically Auto-power On The Phone

I would like to schedule a auto-power on when android is power off totally not stand-by. Why androi… Read more Programmatically Auto-power On The Phone

How Can I Download The File By Using Webview? (this Case Is Weird)

I want to download the file (such as .mp3) from the website by using webview but the problem is Whe… Read more How Can I Download The File By Using Webview? (this Case Is Weird)

Spinner Has Grey Text, Why? How Can I Change It To Default Text Colour Instead?

I implemented this kind of thing in my app but can't figure out why it turns text grey, like in… Read more Spinner Has Grey Text, Why? How Can I Change It To Default Text Colour Instead?

Android Base Activity: Base's Global Variables, Can't Get From Some Activites

I'm taking an android class now, so I am somewhat new to android app development. My first assu… Read more Android Base Activity: Base's Global Variables, Can't Get From Some Activites

Get Gps Location Of A Photo

I know how to get the current GPS location of a mobile phone. I also know how to save the GPS locat… Read more Get Gps Location Of A Photo

Perl Script To Store Device Serial Number And Install Apk Using Adb

What I want to do is to capture the device serial numbers and store them in an array or list. Then … Read more Perl Script To Store Device Serial Number And Install Apk Using Adb

Edittext Loses Focus On Click

I'm writing an activity to list a bunch of items from the database and show an additional colum… Read more Edittext Loses Focus On Click

Unable To Call Powermanager.wakelock.newwakelock Using Qandroidjniobject

I'm trying to execute this Java code: PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context… Read more Unable To Call Powermanager.wakelock.newwakelock Using Qandroidjniobject

App-inventor: Install Apps Onto Sd Card

[edited to show current state of play a week after asking the question] I delved into app inventor … Read more App-inventor: Install Apps Onto Sd Card

Get Name And Full Path Of A File

I used Intent ACTION_GET_CONTENT to show recent files from phone memory. That includes images, pdf,… Read more Get Name And Full Path Of A File

What Is The Maximum Memory Limits Per Application For Android 2.2?

What is the maximum memory limits per application for Android 2.2? Solution 1: It depends on the p… Read more What Is The Maximum Memory Limits Per Application For Android 2.2?

Google Fit Dataread Returns Status Timeout

I am trying to get step data from Google Fit Api. I am able to successfully connect to the Api, ho… Read more Google Fit Dataread Returns Status Timeout

Save The State Of Radiobutton

I am having 5 radiobuttons in my application and i want to save their states so that when i exit an… Read more Save The State Of Radiobutton

Alarm Clock From Git - Gives Error - Android

I downloaded the alarm clock example from the below link:… Read more Alarm Clock From Git - Gives Error - Android

How To Hide Navigation Drawer When Opening Certain Fragment?

I'm pretty new in android development. I want to hide navigation drawer when user is not logged… Read more How To Hide Navigation Drawer When Opening Certain Fragment?

Best Practices For Parsing Xml

My application shall parse XML received via HTTP. As far as I understand there are three major ways… Read more Best Practices For Parsing Xml

Stamina Mode Breaks Fragment Loading With Custom Animations

This code is working as expected on all devices except Sony devices with activated STAMINA mode: in… Read more Stamina Mode Breaks Fragment Loading With Custom Animations

Google Play Sign In For Unity

I am trying to integrate Google play Services so that i can have achievements and leader boards in … Read more Google Play Sign In For Unity

Illegalstateexception: Adapter's Content Without Calling Pageradapter#notifydatasetchanged

I did search all the question related to this but could not find any solution here is my code. pri… Read more Illegalstateexception: Adapter's Content Without Calling Pageradapter#notifydatasetchanged

Android Studio: How To Add And Use Project As Library, Not As Module

I have 2 libraries: chilkat-9.5.0-android-all simple-file-chooser-master I have copied both into… Read more Android Studio: How To Add And Use Project As Library, Not As Module

Access Android Manifest Attributes In Java

This is a sample manifest. Is it possible to access the attribute versionCode and versionName from … Read more Access Android Manifest Attributes In Java

Call Activity Method From Broadcast Receiver Android?

In my application I am sending a port SMS to the mobile. And when the message is recieved I need to… Read more Call Activity Method From Broadcast Receiver Android?

Viewpager's Fakedragby() Or Setcurrentitem() Doesn't Snap To Current Item

Resolved. See answer marked as correct along with my comments. Can post example code if necessary… Read more Viewpager's Fakedragby() Or Setcurrentitem() Doesn't Snap To Current Item

Realm Database Read Data From Android

I am new to realm database so need some help. When I kill my app then come back to the app again, I… Read more Realm Database Read Data From Android

Android Crop Image From Gallery Nullpointexception

I'm working in Camera.i want to choose image from my gallery and crop selected photo and then … Read more Android Crop Image From Gallery Nullpointexception

Getdownloadurl() Of Firebase Storage Return The Same And Wrong Link For All The Uploaded Files. How To Fix This?

I am building chat functionality withing an app using firebase. Everything works except for fetchin… Read more Getdownloadurl() Of Firebase Storage Return The Same And Wrong Link For All The Uploaded Files. How To Fix This?

Eclipse Doesn't Recognize Sgs3 Device

I'm running a small android project on eclipse ADT bundle. When I debug it on my SGS1 phone it … Read more Eclipse Doesn't Recognize Sgs3 Device

How To Edit Unity Exported Gradle Project In Android Studio (mainly Unity's .cs Files / Scripts)

I have exported a game made in Unity and exported it to Android studio (using Unity build panel, us… Read more How To Edit Unity Exported Gradle Project In Android Studio (mainly Unity's .cs Files / Scripts)

Device Camera Direction Excluding Device Landscape/portrait Orientation

I need to get the direction of the front facing camera excluding the devices orientation (landscape… Read more Device Camera Direction Excluding Device Landscape/portrait Orientation

How Can I Download Scaled Down Version Of An Image?

I need to download images that are very large 5mb+. I am aware of scaling the image before displayi… Read more How Can I Download Scaled Down Version Of An Image?

Zxing Intent Request Code (identifying My Intent)

In my Android APP, whenever I need to call many different ActivitiesForResult from the same Activit… Read more Zxing Intent Request Code (identifying My Intent)

Cant Create Camera Preview In Oncreate?

I'm having some issues with the preview of the camera on my Android. Right now i have a button … Read more Cant Create Camera Preview In Oncreate?

Can I Use Horizontal Scrollview Inside A Viewpager In Android?

Is it possible to make a horizontal scrollview inside viewpager in android ? The HorizontalScrollV… Read more Can I Use Horizontal Scrollview Inside A Viewpager In Android?

Fragmenttransaction Replace Not Working

I already searched for this issue on stackoverflow and found this two solutions: Replacing a fragme… Read more Fragmenttransaction Replace Not Working

When Do Onrestart Method Get Called In Android?

While we are having onStart method, what is the purpose of onRestart method? @Override protecte… Read more When Do Onrestart Method Get Called In Android?

Ibm Worklight Sql Adapter For Real Device

If i use local database, say MySQL, it works perfect on simulator and emulator but for real device,… Read more Ibm Worklight Sql Adapter For Real Device

Custom Dialog Fragment

I am trying to create a simplistic dialog similar to a DatePickerDialog. The Dialog that I am creat… Read more Custom Dialog Fragment

Getting Reference To Nested Fragment From Fragmenttabhost

In my application, I use an Activity which holds one Fragment with FragmentTabHost and hence all it… Read more Getting Reference To Nested Fragment From Fragmenttabhost

Android - How To Update The Theme Not In The Oncreate Event?

In my android app, I set the theme like this: @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceSt… Read more Android - How To Update The Theme Not In The Oncreate Event?

Delete Sms From Another Activity Android

I access all sms using ('content://sms/inbox') in my custom list view currently i am gettin… Read more Delete Sms From Another Activity Android

How Start An Activity Using Intent Inside A Inner Static Class?

I have a static and inner class inside my Activityclass. I need to call an Activity using Intent(co… Read more How Start An Activity Using Intent Inside A Inner Static Class?

Copyinputstreamtooutputstream(in, System.out)

I have read through the Security with HTTPS and SSL documentation from Android. I see that it keeps… Read more Copyinputstreamtooutputstream(in, System.out)

How To Set Vertical Animation Scrolling In Android Application

I'm a beginner developer and I can't solve one problem. I want to set an animation for a Li… Read more How To Set Vertical Animation Scrolling In Android Application

Android How To Use Both Onclick And Long Press(3 Sec) For Same Button

In my application I need to do some Action A while doing normal click for the button and also need … Read more Android How To Use Both Onclick And Long Press(3 Sec) For Same Button

Could Not Find Class, No Class Definition Found

I'm getting Could not find class and No class definition found error in Android Those classes i… Read more Could Not Find Class, No Class Definition Found

Why Does Text View Not Take Up The Whole Table Row's Width?

I am not sure if this question has been answered or not(I tried looking but couldn't find anyth… Read more Why Does Text View Not Take Up The Whole Table Row's Width?

Android-image-cropper To Circle

I am trying to crop my images as a circle, for this I am using the provided library of Android-Imag… Read more Android-image-cropper To Circle

Clear The Canvas Area

I have made a custom view which is refereed from xml layout. I added a button for clearing the view… Read more Clear The Canvas Area

Android Onresume Not Called

I'm developing an app for Android, and I want it to pause the music when you press the home but… Read more Android Onresume Not Called

How To Initialize Nullable Variable Of Presenter Through Espresso Ui Test To Avoid Npe

I am trying to write Espresso UI test for an android app build with kotlin. I have written a basic … Read more How To Initialize Nullable Variable Of Presenter Through Espresso Ui Test To Avoid Npe

Finish() Activity Twice In Android?

Okay say your using a app, and you opened a new activity and then opened another, you can end the a… Read more Finish() Activity Twice In Android?

Connectivity Change Broadcast Receiver Not Triggering When Phone Is In Sleep Mode

I have a network state change Broadcast Receiver setup for my app. I need to receive wifi connect-d… Read more Connectivity Change Broadcast Receiver Not Triggering When Phone Is In Sleep Mode

Android Google Map Location Item Click With Starting New Activity

map.setOnInfoWindowClickListener(new OnInfoWindowClickListener() { … Read more Android Google Map Location Item Click With Starting New Activity

How Rooting Is Achieved Programmatically?

I'm trying to get myself into more Android development lately and I have been curious about how… Read more How Rooting Is Achieved Programmatically?

Insert A Lot Of Data Into Sqlite In Android

currently, I have to insert more than 10 billions data into my android at a time. However, the prob… Read more Insert A Lot Of Data Into Sqlite In Android

Google Map Loading Issue In Android Listview

I am trying to show mapview on my listview. Map cannot load in listview. If i touch the map view, m… Read more Google Map Loading Issue In Android Listview