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Using Application Service In Another Application

I have an android application which contains a service. Now I want to access that service in another application. How can I do that? I found this application over net. please find

Solution 1:

need to use an intent filter for service, say for 'LocalWordService' we declare

<serviceandroid:enabled="true"android:exported="true"android:name=""><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="" /></intent-filter></service>

in calling app, we just need to add the line for getting service

Intent intent=newIntent("");  

that's it.

Solution 2:

You need to make your service publicly available so that another application can bind to it. To do that add


to the manifest entry for the service that you want to share.

You don't need to put that service in a separate process, so you can remove the


unless you want to do that for other reasons.

Solution 3:

Are you wanting to use a certain method in class b from class a? If so, put your initialization of the class with your variables on the top of the class. THEN, in your OnCreate() method, initiate a new object of that class.

EX: //class a initialization Private a mA;

publicvoidOnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
   //Other code
   mA = newa();

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