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Showing posts from June, 2023

How Do I Use Speechrecognizer In A Periodicworkrequest?

I'm trying to speech recognize every 15 minutes for this I'm using PeriodicWorkRequest but … Read more How Do I Use Speechrecognizer In A Periodicworkrequest?

How To Drag Images Around The Screen

Can anyone help me on how to code program for an image that can be drag around the screen? Can you … Read more How To Drag Images Around The Screen

Here Maps: Give Directions To Correct Side Of The Street

Occasionally when calculating a route it seems the vehicle ends being directed to the wrong side of… Read more Here Maps: Give Directions To Correct Side Of The Street

Programmatically Create Styles In Android Without Referring To Resources

I'm working on an app that reads in text from an XML document and then displays that text on th… Read more Programmatically Create Styles In Android Without Referring To Resources

Android Closing Activity Programmatically

What is the equivalent operation within an activity to navigating away from the screen. Like when y… Read more Android Closing Activity Programmatically

Deviceadmin Policies Password_quality_numeric Not Working

I am working on DeviceAdmin policies implementation, followed below link for implementation http://… Read more Deviceadmin Policies Password_quality_numeric Not Working

How To Wake Up Android Wear When It Is In Sleep Mode?

When Android Wear goes to sleep mode (screen dimmed), some parts of my code are not executed. I use… Read more How To Wake Up Android Wear When It Is In Sleep Mode?

How To Do I Resolve Illegalargumentexception?

I'm a noob to android. and I am getting an illegal argument exception when working with a SQLit… Read more How To Do I Resolve Illegalargumentexception?

Running Android Application On Real Device

I'm trying to run my Android App on a real android phone. I've done this previously, but no… Read more Running Android Application On Real Device

Why Is Onstart Is Not Called?

I am trying to implement a very simple service example. The user inputs the value through EditText… Read more Why Is Onstart Is Not Called?

How To Compare 2 Voice In Android

I need some way to compare 2 voices if they match or not but can't use Google service because I… Read more How To Compare 2 Voice In Android

How To Update The Android Time

I am using android TAB for some app development . in my application I get UTC time from the other … Read more How To Update The Android Time

Android - Detect Touch Pressure On Capacitive Touch Screen?

I've heard of: MotionEvent e; float press = e.getPressure(...); But this only returns 0 for no… Read more Android - Detect Touch Pressure On Capacitive Touch Screen?

Vertex Shader Doesn't Run On Galaxy Tab10 (tegra 2)

I created an app that uses GLES2.0 on a HTC Desire S. It works on the HTC, but not on an Samung Gal… Read more Vertex Shader Doesn't Run On Galaxy Tab10 (tegra 2)

Receive Character Using Android Phone From Arduino

I worked this code to receive a single letter of the arduino I can not see any response on the pho… Read more Receive Character Using Android Phone From Arduino

Can Two Asynctasks Share The Same Sqlitedatabase Object?

If they only perform queries on it? Something like: private SQLiteDatabase db; @Override public vo… Read more Can Two Asynctasks Share The Same Sqlitedatabase Object?

How To Manage List With Dedicated Add And Remove Button?

I want to create a view like shown in Image with add and remove ImageButton. On click of any of the… Read more How To Manage List With Dedicated Add And Remove Button?

Kotlin Setonclicklistener For A Listview

I have the following code: class BookListActivity : AppCompatActivity() { var array = arrayOf(… Read more Kotlin Setonclicklistener For A Listview

Global Control Handler

I have an Android service that runs in background. I need it to recieve feedback (and stop, for exa… Read more Global Control Handler

Seekbar At The Top Of The Layout In Android

I would like to reproduce the SeekBar position of Google Music application but I can’t find a way t… Read more Seekbar At The Top Of The Layout In Android

Is It Possible To Use Android Api Outside An Android Project?

More specifically, is it possible for an non-android Java application to use android's speech r… Read more Is It Possible To Use Android Api Outside An Android Project?

Gif Not Animated In Custom Listview

I want to display animated GIF images in my custom GIF image is get in web service url.… Read more Gif Not Animated In Custom Listview

Crashlytics Could Not Find The Manifest

The Fabric SDK (for Android) intermittently fails builds with the following error: ERROR - Crashly… Read more Crashlytics Could Not Find The Manifest

Preference Cannot Cast Java.lang.boolean To String

I have the following Preference class: public class AppPreferencesActivity extends PreferenceActivi… Read more Preference Cannot Cast Java.lang.boolean To String

I Keep Getting Deprecated Api Warning Even With Correct Check

I'm working on a Android project, and at some point in my code I need to get the device serial … Read more I Keep Getting Deprecated Api Warning Even With Correct Check

Why Is No Exception Thrown When Operating Ui In A Background Thread In Previous Versions?

We released an android APP several years ago, and there's a View.setVisibility() method used in… Read more Why Is No Exception Thrown When Operating Ui In A Background Thread In Previous Versions?

Googleapiclient Connection Failed With Statuscode Sign_in_required

I'm trying to connect my game to Google paly service but it keep telling me connection failed w… Read more Googleapiclient Connection Failed With Statuscode Sign_in_required

How To Refresh The Viewpager For Every Tab?

I'm using ViewPager as a main layout and for individual pager views I use Fragments. The tabs a… Read more How To Refresh The Viewpager For Every Tab?

Android - Registering A Broadcast Receiver For Two Intents?

I was wondering is it possible to register a broadcast receiver to receive two intents? My code is … Read more Android - Registering A Broadcast Receiver For Two Intents?

Show Popup Window On Lock Screen

I have implemented a caller ID feature where when the screen is locked it should open the lock and … Read more Show Popup Window On Lock Screen

Enable Geolocation On Webview

Good Evening. I'm on making Tracking Application on Android using Webview. i got problem becaus… Read more Enable Geolocation On Webview

Setting Holo Theme For Android Application

I have a simple login screen with username and password. I'd like it to show the EditText fiel… Read more Setting Holo Theme For Android Application

Classnotfoundexception For Signinconfiguration When Signing In With Google

I'm implementing Google login to an app. The login itself seems to work okay, but the moment I … Read more Classnotfoundexception For Signinconfiguration When Signing In With Google

How To Add Linkedin Sdk Path In App Gradle?

I had followed so many tutorials to add linkedin sdk and sync gradle in my project but unable to di… Read more How To Add Linkedin Sdk Path In App Gradle?

Using Wikipedia Api For Fetching Random Articles My Android App

It keeps stopping and in summary it shows java.lang.reflect.InvoactonTargetException.... JSONExcept… Read more Using Wikipedia Api For Fetching Random Articles My Android App

How To Refresh Android Fragment V1.3.0 In Java

As of the new Fragment version 1.3.0, refreshing a fragment within itself does not seem to work as … Read more How To Refresh Android Fragment V1.3.0 In Java

How To Enable C++11 For Android Studio?

I'm using Android studio 1.3.2+ndk-r11b-windows-x86_64 and try to build project with native cod… Read more How To Enable C++11 For Android Studio?

Android Studio Gradle Build Flavors

I am having troubles understanding Build Flavors in Android Studio. I am trying to achieve a simple… Read more Android Studio Gradle Build Flavors

Android - Can Not Find The File Although It Exists In The Data Folder?

I am trying to copy the SQLite database from the data folder to SDCard using Emulator, i am using b… Read more Android - Can Not Find The File Although It Exists In The Data Folder?

Scrolling Is Not Working With Coordinatorlayout + Parallax Image + Bottomsheetlayout

Introduction I have an activity, which implements a common pattern with parallax header image and s… Read more Scrolling Is Not Working With Coordinatorlayout + Parallax Image + Bottomsheetlayout

Travis-ci Implementation Of Android Sdk 25 With Emulator

I need help with implementing Travis-CI in my android repository. My Project is compiled with SDK 2… Read more Travis-ci Implementation Of Android Sdk 25 With Emulator

Retweet Using Twitter4j Android

i'm trying make simple app twitter and i use twitter4j library and i got good tutorial how to l… Read more Retweet Using Twitter4j Android

Googleappengine Backend Generation With Android Studio Fails Due To Maven Installation

I am trying to generate a Google cloud backend with Android studio. I have been following the bas… Read more Googleappengine Backend Generation With Android Studio Fails Due To Maven Installation

How To Pass A Password With Quotes And Single Quotes In Terminal?

I created a .keystore for my Android application, generating a random password. It contains quotes … Read more How To Pass A Password With Quotes And Single Quotes In Terminal? Query On Pointer Value

I'm using for my android apps database. In short I'm querying class A that has a … Read more Query On Pointer Value

How To Detect New Line In This Type Of String

String quote = 'Now is the time for all good '+ 'men to come to the aid … Read more How To Detect New Line In This Type Of String

Sqlite Memory Issue With Singleton Approach

I have a SQLite database powering all the content in an Android app. I have a DatabaseHelper class … Read more Sqlite Memory Issue With Singleton Approach

Android Inputmethodeditor Layout File. Non-key/row Elements In The Xml?

I'm trying to implement a keyboard with a TextView that updates with each keypress, but it won&… Read more Android Inputmethodeditor Layout File. Non-key/row Elements In The Xml?

Android Getfiledir Vs Getdir

What is the basic difference between getDir and getFileDir in android? AFAIK both will get the inte… Read more Android Getfiledir Vs Getdir

Get Image Uri In Onactivityresult After Taking Photo?

I have this code: startActivityForResult(new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE), CAMERA_IMAGE)… Read more Get Image Uri In Onactivityresult After Taking Photo?

How To Set Date And Month Wise Notification List Using Database In Android

I have Create BDay app in notification class show to all people list but i want to display current … Read more How To Set Date And Month Wise Notification List Using Database In Android

Limiting The Mapview To Half The Screen

I am trying to get the map to fill in only the upper half of the screen and some other layout in th… Read more Limiting The Mapview To Half The Screen

Room Database: Getting Select Max() Twice After Creating New Recyclerview Item

I have a RecyclerView list of CardView items that is working properly. Upon creation of a new Card… Read more Room Database: Getting Select Max() Twice After Creating New Recyclerview Item

How To Add An Android Searchbar1

I was wondering if anyone could break down for me step by step how to add a searchbar in an activit… Read more How To Add An Android Searchbar1

Update A Tag Name Along With Its Value

I am trying to replace html tags with updated values. I had tried using JSOUP but could not work ou… Read more Update A Tag Name Along With Its Value