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Travis-ci Implementation Of Android Sdk 25 With Emulator

I need help with implementing Travis-CI in my android repository. My Project is compiled with SDK 25 but is downwards compatible to Version 21. How do I have to change my .travis.y

Solution 1:

For such properties that we have in our project:

compileSdkVersion 25
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 25

We use such emulator:

echo no | android create avd --force -n test -t android-21 --abi armeabi-v7a --skin 480x800

No special deps are required in travis.yml besides:

- tools- platform-tools- build-tools-25.0.1- android-25- extra-android-m2repository

Here is out repository with min SDK 19:

Solution 2:

I only answer the android-22 part because I'm not using Travis-ci with recent versions of Android:

language:androidjdk:oraclejdk8android:components:-tools# to get the new `repository-11.xml`-tools# see Android platform used by your alternative emulator-sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-22before_script:-echono|androidcreateavd--force-ntest-tandroid-22--abiarmeabi-v7a-emulator-avdtest-no-skin-no-audio-no-window&-android-wait-for-emulator-adbshellinputkeyevent82&script:-./gradlewbuildconnectedCheck

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