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Showing posts from March, 2023

Dagger 2, Providing Application Context In Module

Im pretty new in Android development and newer in DI. I am using Kotlin on a personal project where… Read more Dagger 2, Providing Application Context In Module

Dagger 2, Providing Application Context In Module

Im pretty new in Android development and newer in DI. I am using Kotlin on a personal project where… Read more Dagger 2, Providing Application Context In Module

How To Disable Swipes In A View Pager In Android

I am new to android. I am creating an app which consists of a view pager with a swipe tab layout. W… Read more How To Disable Swipes In A View Pager In Android

Android Camera2 Api Galaxy S7

I am writing an app which records video from the phone and uploads it to a server. Works fine on an… Read more Android Camera2 Api Galaxy S7

Which MIME Data Type For Android Excel CSV?

I tried 'text/csv' and even 'application/', but Excel won't show in… Read more Which MIME Data Type For Android Excel CSV?

A* Pathfinding Java Not Working Properly

I am creating a Maze game in java and wants to add a smarty ghost (like Pacman) that move towards u… Read more A* Pathfinding Java Not Working Properly

Set Calendar To Next Thursday

I'm developing an app in Android which have a service that must be executed every Thursday and … Read more Set Calendar To Next Thursday

Osmdroid Workaround For The Classic Markers Overlapping

I am developing an Android offline mapping application using osmdroid and osm bonus pack and loadin… Read more Osmdroid Workaround For The Classic Markers Overlapping

Get Calls From Log By Specific SIM

I want to get calls from Android CallLog.Calls which were made from a specific SIM. Is there's … Read more Get Calls From Log By Specific SIM

How Can I Make A ListView In Android Studio?

I'm trying to make a ListView for my Android project but unfortunately when I import these libr… Read more How Can I Make A ListView In Android Studio?

How To Play A Video File From SD Card

I want to play a video file on android emulator that I have stored in sd card. This is my code.. pu… Read more How To Play A Video File From SD Card

How To Connect Multiple Xml Files

My app needs different screens and each screen should be connected with each other. For example the… Read more How To Connect Multiple Xml Files

OpenCV Transform Shape With Arbitrary Contour Into Rectangle

The short question is how to transform a shape like the below one into a rectangle using OpenCV? N… Read more OpenCV Transform Shape With Arbitrary Contour Into Rectangle

Laggy Listview With ImageView And Executor Framework

I have a ListView with custom items, like this one: The grey square is an ImageView. The data to f… Read more Laggy Listview With ImageView And Executor Framework

Notification DeleteIntent Does Not Work

I've read several questions concerning similair issues, but they do not provide me with the sol… Read more Notification DeleteIntent Does Not Work

Reading Sms Received After A Date

I'm trying to read all the sms I received after a date. Here is the code: Uri SMS_CONTENT_URI =… Read more Reading Sms Received After A Date

Updating Firebase Records That Are Displayed In An Android ListView

So far, I have been able to display my Firebase records for node maintenance in an Android ListView… Read more Updating Firebase Records That Are Displayed In An Android ListView

Problems With MediaPlayer, Raw Resources, Stop And Start

I'm new to Android development and I have a question/problem. I'm playing around with the … Read more Problems With MediaPlayer, Raw Resources, Stop And Start

Unable To Get Registration To Text-secure Server Working

I am trying to integrate Signal chat to my android application. I have successfully set up the serv… Read more Unable To Get Registration To Text-secure Server Working

Is An Event Bus Unregister Necessary

I'm implementing MVP pattern in Android and I'm using EventBus to let know the Presenter fr… Read more Is An Event Bus Unregister Necessary

Problem With SMS Broadcast Receiver

Hey guys I could really use some insight into this one. Ok, I'm new to eclipse and android firs… Read more Problem With SMS Broadcast Receiver

Protecting SQL Server For Private Usage

So I have an issue. I have a server, lets call it ( Right now, to change the databa… Read more Protecting SQL Server For Private Usage

Youtube Player Inside Tabbed Activity Cause This Error

I have tabbed activity and I want to have youtube video on third tab. here's my java : public … Read more Youtube Player Inside Tabbed Activity Cause This Error

Android - How To Get Data In A Shared Preference Of One Activity To Another Activity?

I have the following two activity I want to send the values present in'name' and 'subdi… Read more Android - How To Get Data In A Shared Preference Of One Activity To Another Activity?

Use "R" Instead Of "ZAR" For South African Currency

How can I use 'R' for currency when the locale is set to South Africa? Currently it shows &… Read more Use "R" Instead Of "ZAR" For South African Currency

SurfaceView Or GLSurfaceview?

Hello there please help me to decide whether to use SurfaceView or GLSurfaceView. I will be develo… Read more SurfaceView Or GLSurfaceview?

Phonegap Barcode Scanner Plugin -> Reference Error

Can somebody help me with this: When I try to run the project, this is my code in the index.html`s … Read more Phonegap Barcode Scanner Plugin -> Reference Error

Custom Textview With Html Text And Custom Font Whole Android Application

I have created a custom textview to set the custom font and to set the html text for whole applicat… Read more Custom Textview With Html Text And Custom Font Whole Android Application

Keyboard White Flickering With React Native

When showing and hiding the keyboard in my React Native app there is a white flickering where the k… Read more Keyboard White Flickering With React Native