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Use "R" Instead Of "ZAR" For South African Currency

How can I use 'R' for currency when the locale is set to South Africa? Currently it shows 'ZAR' and I need it to show 'R' instead. I have tried: final Currency curr = Currency.getI

Solution 1:

The NumberFormat class formats the number based on the locale that is passed as a param. If the locale is for South Africa (new Locale("en", "ZA")) then the number will appear correctly: R 12,345.67

final Currency curr = Currency.getInstance("ZAR");
final NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("en", "ZA"));
final String value = nf.format(12345.67);

Solution 2:

Ok I found a great example that works:

      public static SortedMap<Currency, Locale> currencyLocaleMap;
  static {
    currencyLocaleMap = new TreeMap<Currency, Locale>(new Comparator<Currency>() {
      public int compare(Currency c1, Currency c2){
        return c1.getCurrencyCode().compareTo(c2.getCurrencyCode());
    for (Locale locale : Locale.getAvailableLocales()) {
      try {
        Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(locale);
        currencyLocaleMap.put(currency, locale);
      }catch (Exception e){

  public static String getCurrencySymbol(String currencyCode) {
    Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(currencyCode);
    System.out.println( currencyCode+ ":-" + currency.getSymbol(currencyLocaleMap.get(currency)));
    return currency.getSymbol(currencyLocaleMap.get(currency));

from here: Not getting currency symbols for specific Locale

Solution 3:

Build your own NumberFormat class (that extends Java's), and implement your own version of format; calling the base class function for all currencies other than ZAR.

The approach you're currently taking will tend to lead to a lot of repeated (and unencapsulated) code.

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