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Showing posts from October, 2022

IsGestureDetectionAvailable() Always Returning False

I am trying to detect gestures on a fingerprint scanner. I have made an Accessibility service and y… Read more IsGestureDetectionAvailable() Always Returning False

Android Keep Screen On On Samsung Devices

I have a streaming app and I want to avoid that the screen turns off while streaming. It works on m… Read more Android Keep Screen On On Samsung Devices

BroadcastReceiver Is Never Called Using GCM Service

I'm trying to implement the new service of GCM for push notifications. I've seen some simil… Read more BroadcastReceiver Is Never Called Using GCM Service

Android : Google Sign In GoogleApiClient.connect()

the following code is copied from i want to implement Google Sign In func… Read more Android : Google Sign In GoogleApiClient.connect()

How To Handle Unexpected Error And Uncaught Exceptions

I use 'try catch' to handle some expected error, but sometime, there will be unexpected err… Read more How To Handle Unexpected Error And Uncaught Exceptions

Cascade Effect With 3D GameObjects (Tango, Unity, Android)

I'm getting started with Unity to build Tango apps for Android. I have previous Unity and Andro… Read more Cascade Effect With 3D GameObjects (Tango, Unity, Android)

Custom Uses-permission With Ionic 3

On app builds with Ionic3 (cordova 7.0.0 | android@6.2.3), I need to use microphone, SIP and intern… Read more Custom Uses-permission With Ionic 3

Alternative To ☐ And ☒ On Android (Samsung Tab 2) Browser

Internet browser I have installed (by default) on my Samsung Tab2 does not display ☐☐ and ☒☒ charac… Read more Alternative To ☐ And ☒ On Android (Samsung Tab 2) Browser

Waiting For A Function To Finish Execution And Using The Results

Here's the scenario I have an activity(A) which has a button and textview. I have another class… Read more Waiting For A Function To Finish Execution And Using The Results

Why It Is Not Opening Defined Folder Via Intent In Android?

This code is redirecting to drive with open navigation but not opening actual given path OLD Code … Read more Why It Is Not Opening Defined Folder Via Intent In Android?

DeviceAdmin Policies PASSWORD_QUALITY_NUMERIC Not Working

I am working on DeviceAdmin policies implementation, followed below link for implementation http://… Read more DeviceAdmin Policies PASSWORD_QUALITY_NUMERIC Not Working

How To Get The New Width And Height Of View After ScaleAnimation

I used a ScaleAnimation to resize my ImageView. But after the animation is complete, how can I get … Read more How To Get The New Width And Height Of View After ScaleAnimation

How To Pass A Variable Or Object To Dialog In Android

I have a custom dialog with one editText view and two buttons ok and cancel. I have a custom list v… Read more How To Pass A Variable Or Object To Dialog In Android

HTTP FAILED: Socket Closed Retrofit

tried with multiple ways still facing this issue as I am using RxJava and Retrofit to do all my ne… Read more HTTP FAILED: Socket Closed Retrofit

Table With Dynamic Number Of Columns In Android

I want to create a table with dynamic number of columns in android I know how to add rows dynamical… Read more Table With Dynamic Number Of Columns In Android

How Can I Get Data To Be Pushed From The Database To The Client, Like A Messenger Service?

I am trying to code a messenger service that will store sent messages in a server and then push the… Read more How Can I Get Data To Be Pushed From The Database To The Client, Like A Messenger Service?

Intel TBB For Android And IOS

Just wondering if there are any multi-threading libraries for Android and iOS. Also, any hack for I… Read more Intel TBB For Android And IOS

Android Barcode Scanner Using Zxing

I want to integrate Zxing in a android project (I'm a beginner). I have seen that the way descr… Read more Android Barcode Scanner Using Zxing

How To Show The SVG Image In The Android Imageview

I have downloaded the svg-android library from the google code and parsed the SVG image using the S… Read more How To Show The SVG Image In The Android Imageview

Find The Difference In Time Between Two Time Values Always Gives The "Second" Value As 0

I'm trying to find the difference between current time value and a future time in HH:MM:SS form… Read more Find The Difference In Time Between Two Time Values Always Gives The "Second" Value As 0

Multiple Libstreaming Streams Only Recognized As Session Of First RTSP Client

I am using Live555 as RTSP client to get the RTSP H264 video stream from android LibStreaming Major… Read more Multiple Libstreaming Streams Only Recognized As Session Of First RTSP Client

SoundPool Crashes In Two Scenarios. Code For First Scenario Crashes

@Ian G. Clifton Here is the code for the first type of soundpool I tried. when the button to load … Read more SoundPool Crashes In Two Scenarios. Code For First Scenario Crashes

Reverse Seekbar (Right To Left) Colour

I've been trying to implement a seek bar similar to the ones you use to accept or decline a cal… Read more Reverse Seekbar (Right To Left) Colour

Quickblox One To One Chat Connection Lost

I have developed chat application using Quickblox SDK version 0.8.1. Sometimes app loses chat conne… Read more Quickblox One To One Chat Connection Lost

ClassCastException: Android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams

So i get this error when executing an adapter in FinderActivity.class. public class FinderActivity… Read more ClassCastException: Android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams

How To Find Out Whether A Particular Device Has SIM Hardware Support?

I wanted to disable features related to CALL and SMS in my application based on whether SIM hardwar… Read more How To Find Out Whether A Particular Device Has SIM Hardware Support?

Cannot Run Existing Android Project

Help! I´m a newbie to Android Studio and Android Programming. I did some Tutorials that worked fine… Read more Cannot Run Existing Android Project

All Gms/firebase Libraries Must Use The Exact Same Version Specification Android Studio

I know this question has been asked many time but I couldn't figure this out. Let me explain on… Read more All Gms/firebase Libraries Must Use The Exact Same Version Specification Android Studio

Phonegap Plugin Result When App Is Not Active Anymore

I'm trying to edit the phonegap/cordova PushPlugin plugin for android in order to not create an… Read more Phonegap Plugin Result When App Is Not Active Anymore

Kotlin - How Can We Access Private Property With Getter And Setter? Is Access Methods Are Calling Internally?

class Sample1 { private var test = '' get() = field set(value) { field = va… Read more Kotlin - How Can We Access Private Property With Getter And Setter? Is Access Methods Are Calling Internally?

Observing MediatorLiveData Issue

I have the following LiveData variables in my ViewModel (simplified example): I'm trying to us… Read more Observing MediatorLiveData Issue

Android Mkdirs() Sdcard Do Not Work

I want to make dir in Sdcard, and i do follow: I added: in manifest. I get root_path by: public … Read more Android Mkdirs() Sdcard Do Not Work

EditText With Single Text Line, Line Wrapping And Done Action?

I am trying to have an EditText with the following characteristics when editing with a soft key. I … Read more EditText With Single Text Line, Line Wrapping And Done Action?

Android Java.lang.Long Cannot Be Cast To Java.lang.String

Okay so I am storing a long in my shared preferences using e.putLong('startTime', SystemCl… Read more Android Java.lang.Long Cannot Be Cast To Java.lang.String

Call 911 In Android

I want to call Emergency number using Android SDK. I am using following code to call the number (91… Read more Call 911 In Android

How To Get Popup Menu From Bottom Of Screen?

I'm going on with my contacts list for that I need a popup menu should appear to get contacts I… Read more How To Get Popup Menu From Bottom Of Screen?

React Native AppState Has No 'inactive' State On Android

I am trying to change the UI just before the user leaves the app (user is in multi-tasking view or … Read more React Native AppState Has No 'inactive' State On Android