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Got An Error While Building A Project In New Workspace

Am new for android development. I tried to create a new workspace with Target SDK as API 21 and Compiled with API 19. I have installed the sdk of API19 and 20 and not the Android5.

Solution 1:

  1. Update the file of appcompat v7, which has:target=android-19 to target=android-21

  2. Also update google play services library (by update I mean update it in SDK Manager and re-import etc)

Solution 2:

Right click project properties and change project Build Target To 5.0

enter image description here

change target=android-21 in your manifest

Solution 3:

compile project with Android 5.0 API leveL 21.

Solution 4:

I believe this is a bug.

I just verified that I can create a new Hello World app ( the standard default ) just fine with Version 20 of Android Support Library ( using SDK all the way down to 14 ). However, it fails with 21.0.3 with the exact same errors that you posted above.

Solution 5:

I got a similar error as someone new to installing Android tools and having mistakenly selected the 4.4W as well as 4.4.2 in the Android SDK Manager.

This results in having both API 20 and API 19 installed which means API 20 seems to be newer and will be picked up by default for new projects.

However, API 20 is Wearables Only.

You can see here in screenshot of Navigator Properties that 4.4W has ended up in the path.

Both the appcompat_v7 and HelloAndy project targets had this path problem.

I edited for both and changed target=android-20 to target=android-19 then did a Refresh on both projects (right-click the appcompat_v7 and other project). That updated the build paths to point to the correct Android SDK.

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