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750 Frame Transparent Png Animation In Imageview At 23fps

I have an Activity with two ImageViews set to full screen 320 x 480. I need to play an animation but couldn't get more than 50 to play using AnimateDrawable and an xml array before

Solution 1:

I have now been able to get the frame rate up to close to 20 frames a second by reducing the size of each image (used in the animation) down to the smallest vertical strip to fit the object.

I came up with this idea after reading about using Spritesheets for game animation where they move a single image around and view the needed frame through a small window. Sprites were not practicle for my purpose, too many frames Sprite sheet would be 135mb.

The images are now only 480 x 150 (between 31-54KB each) instead of a full screen. ImageView height is set to fill_parent and ImageView width set to wrap_content so it still scales automatically to different screen sizes.

I found that now the files are much smaller it loads quicker and now is close to an acceptable animation frame rate. Hope this is of help to anyone else who is trying the same thing.

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