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How To Dismiss Dialog While Doinbackground Is Running In Asynctask?

I am trying to cancel a dialog from the mainthread while the 'doInBackGround' method of AsyncTask is running. While I am downloading a photo, a progress dialog pops up and when it

Solution 1:

Use a cancellable progress dialog, pass in a cancel listener to the progress dialog and cancel the task within that method, eg

protectedvoidonPreExecute() {
    progressDialog =, "Searching files", "Scanning...", true, true,
            newDialogInterface.OnCancelListener() {
                @OverridepublicvoidonCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                    // When dialog in cancelled, need to explicitly cancel task otherwise it keeps on runningcancel(true);


Solution 2:

You can intercept the onBackKeyPressed event, and cancel the task using cancel method.

See that link: Ideal way to cancel an executing AsyncTask

Solution 3:

You can try to use a ProgressDialog which is cancelable. This is the signature of the method:-

publicstatic ProgressDialog show(Context context, CharSequence title, CharSequence message, boolean indeterminate, boolean cancelable)

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