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How To Add Different Child Lists For Different Parents Lists In Expandablelistview For Android?

I'm using an ExpandableListView to get an expandable list. I have 3 expandable 'parent' lists: Price, Details, Notes. I want to be able to add unique child lists for each parent li

Solution 1:

Your createChildList needs to return a List<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>>.

Your createChildList should look something like this:

privateList<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>> createChildList(int maxValue) {

                ArrayList<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>> groupList = 
                                new ArrayList<ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>>();

                for (int i =0; i <= maxValue; i++) {
                        ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> childList = 
                                        new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();

                        for (int j =0; j <= maxValue; j++) {
                                HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

                                map.put("Sub Item", "test: "+String.valueOf(j));


                return groupList;

Let me know if that works.

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