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Bing Translate Api Not Working

My app crashes as soon as this activity starts. It doesn't crash on clicking the button. The code is as follows package com.example.testing; import; import an

Solution 1:

Have you added the jar file to your project?

You need to download the jar file and add it to your class path.

Follow these steps:

  1. Download the jar file to a directory:
  2. In eclipse right click on your libs folder and go to Import -> General -> File System, then browse to the directory in which the jar file was downloaded and click Ok. then select from the jar file from the window in eclipse and click finish to add the jar to your project
  3. Right click on your project and go to Build Path -> Configure Build Path, then click the Libraries tab and add jar's. Navigate to the jar file in your libs folder and click done/finish/ok.

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