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What All Advantages I Can Get By Increasing Minsdk Version In Android

We have an app on playstore with minSdk version as 15 and we have less than 0.7% active users on api 18 and below. So we were planning to increase our minSdk version to 19. I tried

Solution 1:

I can think of few:

  1. Lossless WebP support (API 19).
  2. No need to use left/ right along with start/end in xml layouts (API 17).
  3. Chromium based WebView (API 19).
  4. LayoutTransition.enableTransitionType() (API 16) - to animate when anything in the container changes the layout.
  5. More font families - Roboto Light, Roboto Condensed (API 16).
  6. Java 7 try-with-resources (API 19). From Android Studio 3.0, this is available for all API levels.

You can find more here:

In the Create New Project wizard in Android Studio, you can click on 'Help me choose' under Minimum SDK to view this:

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