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Could Not Find Facebook Sdk.apk

Hey I know this was asked before, but none of the solutions seem to help. This is NOT a duplicate I have used the Facebook SDK before on an earlier project, now I started a new on

Solution 1:

This is common error. Just remove FacebookSDK project from Properties->Java Build Path->Projects . This project should be referenced from Properties->Android

For more information, see this answer: Could not find Library.apk!

Solution 2:

Well, after alot of searches the only thing that worked for me is just creating a new project and copying all the files to it.

I tried avoiding it but that seems like the only thing that works =/

As there is no answer on this topic whatsoever, so if someone could find out a better solution - it will be very helpfull to the community

Solution 3:

Try deleting the Facebook application for Android (if you have one installed on your phone). This worked for me.

Solution 4:

i dont know how this is happened but it works :

first : i have added all facebook3.0 related sample + facebookSDk projects in one workspace .

second : i have run a sample project . in which i found a .jar file : androiddependencies->facebooksdk.jar (note this exact path )

third :

1.) i created my project .

2.) inside this i have removed errors by :- FixProjectSetup (atLast position )

3.) i have added facebooksdk.jar by right_clicking at project->properties->android->by checking android 4.2 + reference the Facebooksdk -> done .

now i am able to create and run programs easily .

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