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Android Update Progress Bar While Reading Records From A Text File

I am trying to find the best way to update a Progress Bar while reading in records from a text file stored on internal storage. In my activity fragment I use a button to load a pro

Solution 1:

The accuracy for the progress bar isn't critical, and it's more important to be responsive. I'd just grab the file's size and update the progress bar as bytes read/file size. Reading the entire file to figure out its record count could be prohibitively expensive, and it won't gain you much.

Solution 2:

If you want to know the size (in terms of lines) of the file, and it has no more lines that Long.MAX_VALUE (which is 9223372036854775807), you can use this method:

LineNumberReader  lnr = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(new File("File1")));  

(Extracted from: Number of lines in a file in Java)

Solution 3:

What about using the file size and counting the number of bytes you read each time?

int sizeInBytes = file.length();
int currentBytes = 0;

currentBytes += line.length();

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