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Nexus 7 Tablet Not Recognized By Adb

I am having some strange behavior with the android sdk and my tablet. I am attempting to get my tablet recognized with: adb devices -l command. Each time I plug the tablet in, a w

Solution 1:

You can try with these steps:

  1. stop the server with: adb kill-server.
  2. Go to ~/.android/ and if doesn't exist create the file: adb_usb.ini
  3. Add a line with the value: 0x18d1 (the vendorId of your device).
  4. Save and close the file.

Try again. For me it worked (i'm using a 100 euros tablet...) Finally if you still have problems you can create an udev rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules, like the following:

SUBSYSTEM =="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE ="0666", GROUP ="plugdev"

And make sure that your user is in plugdev group. Hope this help.

Solution 2:

A friend gave me a new cable. Now my tablet shows with adb devices -l, lsusb, dmesg with no errors, and works from Eclipse Android SDK Bundle.

Solution 3:

Have you checked the permissions of the block device? Try starting the adb server as root.

Solution 4:

Do you have the right driver installed on your computer?

Even if the tablet is recognized, this doesn't necessarily mean the driver is installed.

You can find drivers for the Nexus 7 here:

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