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Why My Gradle Building Taking Too Much Time?

I am developing the app which has apk size 28 MB. What should I do so that I take less time. If I run on emulator than it takes 5-7 mins but if I run it on device than it is takin

Solution 1:

you can set file->setting->search 'Gradle'-> check 'use local gradle distribution' and check 'offline work'.. in android studio. it will improve gradel building time.

Note: In newer version of Android studio, View->Tool Windows->Gradle->Toggle button of online/offline

Solution 2:

I too had this issue, what i had done was disabling instant run in the project settings, and rebuilding the project.

Solution 3:

If you are developing on Windows, then you should open Control Panel -> Windows Defender, then go to Settings -> Excluded Files and Locations -> Browse, and add your project library (including the build folder), and C:\Users\YourUser\.gradle

Also, add following to in your project:

org.gradle.jvmargs = -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1024m

Solution 4:

There are some tips for reducing your build time: In your /.gradle/ file :

# When set to true the Gradle daemon is to run the Specifies the JVM arguments used for the daemon process.# The setting is particularly useful for tweaking memory settings.# Default value: -Xmx10248m -XX:MaxPermSize=256morg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8org.gradle.parallel=trueorg.gradle.configureondemand=true

And you can disable the lint task when you build your project,add the task in your build.gradle file:

tasks.whenTaskAdded { task ->
    if ("lint")) {
        task.enabled = false

It is really useful for me! Hope it can help you!

Before reducing the building time, you should find out which step cost too much time.

./gradlew assembleDebug --dry-run--profile

It will product a report about the work of building in build/reports/profile/ direction, just read the report then to optimize your build work.

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