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How To Rebuild Android App In Release Mode With Another Package Name By Command Line Interface?

Hello im making an generic app that is configurable by xmls and files on res. Im trying to make differents apks from the same source of code. The problem is that im triying to do t

Solution 1:

If you set your project as a Library project, you can use a facade style Project with it's own AndroidManifest.xml and overriding /res values to create a "custom" set of projects which derive from your main "Library" project.

Facade projects created in this way act the same in terms of functionality but can have different styles, package names, internal id's, colours, images (or even expose different intents or receivers).

Solution 2:

As commonsWare proposed i used Gradle for this solutions.

  • I used this tutorial for Gradle with android.
  • I used this answer for building apps in release mode
  • I used flavors also as commonsWare said, read this

Thanks a lot!

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