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How To Get The Size Of Installed Application?

I am trying to calculate the size of the installed application. I found an answer here I have tested it on some devices, and there is no problem except Samsung Galaxy Note3(4.3).

Solution 1:

try this...

publicstaticlonggetApkSize(Context context, String packageName)throws NameNotFoundException {
            packageName, 0).publicSourceDir).length();

Solution 2:

Maybe this link will help you:

Basically he is making use of the concept of reflection, which is a powerful tool but not always advisable. Read more about it here :What is reflection and why is it useful? and if it is suitable for you, make use of it.

Solution 3:

You can get Size of apps without AIDL Files -------> Kotlin Language

classMainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    overridefunonCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN)
    val list = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(intent,0)
    // Set adapter to LIST VIEW
    listView.adapter = getApps(list)
 privatefungetApps(List: MutableList<ResolveInfo>): List<AppData> {
     val list = ArrayList<AppData>()
      for (packageInfo in List) {
         val packageName = packageInfo.activityInfo.packageName
           // return size in form of Bytes(Long)             val size = File(packageManager.getApplicationInfo(packageName,0).publicSourceDir).length()
          val item = AppData(Size)
            list += item
   return list
 // Make Data ClassdataclassAppData(val size: Long)

Remember to convert it in MB from Bytes

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