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Pass Input Value From Activities C#

I'm trying to pass user input text from activity1 to activity2. I tried alot of thing but all of the thing did to me this error, this is the error i get when i'm trying to put the

Solution 1:

You can get your string by using the method getStringExtra(QUERY):

var l = Intent.getStringExtra("j");

If you ever get a null and you're using getStringExtra(QUERY). Add a .toString() to your variable which is used in the PutExtra. In your case this shouldn't be necessary.

Solution 2:

Try with this:

On the main activity

var activity2 = new Intent (this, typeof(next_activity));
                activity2.PutExtra ("value",i);
                StartActivity (activity2);  

On the next_activity

var Passed_value  = Intent.GetStringExtra ("value",0);
    // for int use: Intent.GetIntExtra

Also try changing

t1.Text = l++.ToString();


t1.Text = l++;


string b = t1.Text;


string b = t1.Text.ToString();

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