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How To Disable Mobile Data On Android With Xamarin

similar question to How to disable Mobile Data on Android . the only difference is that i want to do that with Xamarin but not java. I tried the code below but it did nothing.

Solution 1:

Typically Xamarin uses the same methodology as Java when interacting with Android. Therefore its best to just port over the equivalent Java code to C#; in this case translating the reflection code in the answer you linked to.

Here is a port that combines Gingerbread and higher support and Froyo and lower support:

voidSetMobileDataEnabled(bool enabled)
    if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.L) {
        Console.WriteLine ("Device does not support mobile data toggling.");

    try {
        if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt <= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.KitkatWatch 
            && Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.Gingerbread) {
            Android.Net.ConnectivityManagerconman= (Android.Net.ConnectivityManager)GetSystemService (ConnectivityService);
            Java.Lang.ClassconmanClass= Java.Lang.Class.ForName (conman.Class.Name);
            Java.Lang.Reflect.FieldiConnectivityManagerField= conmanClass.GetDeclaredField ("mService");
            iConnectivityManagerField.Accessible = true;
            Java.Lang.ObjectiConnectivityManager= iConnectivityManagerField.Get (conman);
            Java.Lang.ClassiConnectivityManagerClass= Java.Lang.Class.ForName (iConnectivityManager.Class.Name);
            Java.Lang.Reflect.MethodsetMobileDataEnabledMethod= iConnectivityManagerClass.GetDeclaredMethod ("setMobileDataEnabled", Java.Lang.Boolean.Type);
            setMobileDataEnabledMethod.Accessible = true;

            setMobileDataEnabledMethod.Invoke (iConnectivityManager, enabled);

        if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt < Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.Gingerbread) {

            TelephonyManagertm= (TelephonyManager)GetSystemService (Context.TelephonyService);

            Java.Lang.ClasstelephonyClass= Java.Lang.Class.ForName (tm.Class.Name);
            Java.Lang.Reflect.MethodgetITelephonyMethod= telephonyClass.GetDeclaredMethod ("getITelephony");
            getITelephonyMethod.Accessible = true;

            Java.Lang.Objectstub= getITelephonyMethod.Invoke (tm);
            Java.Lang.ClassITelephonyClass= Java.Lang.Class.ForName (stub.Class.Name);

            if (enabled) {
                dataConnSwitchMethod = ITelephonyClass
                    .GetDeclaredMethod ("disableDataConnectivity");
            } else {
                dataConnSwitchMethod = ITelephonyClass
                    .GetDeclaredMethod ("enableDataConnectivity");   

            dataConnSwitchMethod.Accessible = true;
            dataConnSwitchMethod.Invoke (stub);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        Console.WriteLine ("Device does not support mobile data toggling.");

Enable the ChangeNetworkState and ModifyPhoneState permissions in your manifest.

Android L currently has no available way to disable/enable mobile data.

Solution 2:

In xamarin android you can use like this if you want to disable the mobile cellular data. TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager)Android.App.Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.TelephonyService);

var tdata = tm.DataEnabled;
        if (tdata)
            tdata = false;

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