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How Do I Draw A Curve Through Tree Points In Android?

I need to connect three points by a smooth curve. I've looked at the same questions already answered on StackOverflow but they all suggest using Path.quadTo(). I do not understand

Solution 1:

True, what you need is Catmull Rom splines which are guaranted to go through each point. However, I don't know any function in the Android API to draw them. You could also "trick" the quadTo function and pass it a virtual middle point that you compute according to the current point and the next one.

Solution 2:

What about the cubicTo (or rCubicTo if you need it from a relative point) function?, float, float, float, float, float)

Solution 3:

Here is a very nice, illustrated howto for javascript, but all the used methods are usual and there is an analogue in Androids Path Class

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