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Large Number Of Remoteserviceexceptions In Google's Cast Medianotificationservice

In the last ~24 hours, we've seen a few thousand crashes within Google's MediaNotificationService: Fatal Exception: Context.startForegroundSe

Solution 1:

It looks like a known issue:

Issue occured only on HUAWEI devices with Android 9 : P20 pro, P30 pro, P20 lite, P30, P20, Honor View 10, Mate 20 pro

Cast SDK version : Android Sender 16.2.0 (I checked release notes of Android Sender 17.1.0 but no bug fixes)

Here is the crash log from fabric :

Fatal Exception: Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground(): ServiceRecord{3ac0035 u0}
       at$H.handleMessage + 2126(
       at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage + 112(
       at android.os.Looper.loop + 216(
       at + 7625(
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
       at$ + 524(
       at + 987(

that a Google engineer says is fixed:

We have a fix for this and that should be released by the next Android Cast client library release.

but they don't know when the fix will be released:

So far we don't have a solid date when the next release will be scheduled. We will update it here or else please do check here

The release notes don't mention a fix for this.

I'll update this answer if I find anything further.


This is fixed. See Anjaneesh's answer.


There are some issues with 18.0.0. See rednaz's answer. Also, commenters on the issue are still experiencing crashes with Samsung and Huawei platforms, but at greatly decreased rates. I filed a new issue about this.

Solution 2:

The fix has been released on the Android Cast SDK client library v18.0.0 (check the second item of the release notes:,-2019)

The crash should be fixed once you update to v18.0.0

Solution 3:

We are also experiencing this issue with very similar symptoms. We are on cast SDK version 16.1.2

  • Only happening on Android 8 and above. Seems to be linked to the background execution changes here
  • Also low numbers for months. Spiked recently across all app versions. Now looking at numbers in the thousands.
  • There was a play services update on 11th Feb. Could be linked?

What we've tried (Updating to SDK 18.0.0)

Updating to v18.0.0 appears to fix the issue as reported by @Anjaneesh. However, 18.0.0 introduced behaviour changes around the retrieval of custom data. We have observed that the custom data we supply to the remoteMediaClient's mediaInfo (and then try to retrieve) gets nulled when the sender app disconnects and then re-connects. This will need guarding against if you aren't already!

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