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How To Get Latitude And Longitude Information From Picture

How to get latitude and longitude information from picture store in device or SD Card?

Solution 1:

I found very simple solution for this question....So I posted it here to help my friends who have problem like me to get Geo location from Picture.

Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();

if(null != bundle)
    String filepath = bundle.getString(FILE_PATH_KEY);

        ExifInterface exif = new ExifInterface(filepath);
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

        builder.append("Date & Time: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME) +"\n\n");
        builder.append("Flash: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_FLASH) +"\n");
        builder.append("Focal Length: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_FOCAL_LENGTH) +"\n\n");
        builder.append("GPS Datestamp: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_FLASH) +"\n");
        builder.append("GPS Latitude: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE) +"\n");
        builder.append("GPS Latitude Ref: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF) +"\n");
        builder.append("GPS Longitude: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE) +"\n");
        builder.append("GPS Longitude Ref: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF) +"\n");
        builder.append("GPS Processing Method: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD) +"\n");
        builder.append("GPS Timestamp: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_TIMESTAMP) +"\n\n");
        builder.append("Image Length: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH) +"\n");
        builder.append("Image Width: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH) +"\n\n");
        builder.append("Camera Make: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_MAKE) +"\n");
        builder.append("Camera Model: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_MODEL) +"\n");
        builder.append("Camera Orientation: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION) +"\n");
        builder.append("Camera White Balance: "+ getExifTag(exif,ExifInterface.TAG_WHITE_BALANCE) +"\n");         

        builder = null;
    catch (IOException e) 

We can get all the Exif tag information from picture in one builder string.

Solution 2:

You can use the ExifInterface class to read various EXIF metadata from JPEGs:

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