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How Do I Apply The Holoeverywhere Android Theme When Using Actionbarsherlock?

I'm building an application that should work on android 2.3 and I added both ActionBarSherlock and HoloEverywhere libraries. In order to use ActionBarSherlock I have to use Theme.

Solution 1:

To enable the Holo theme by default for every ListView I went in the styles.xml file of the HoloEverywhere library then I modified the "ListViewStyle" element by adding this line :

<item name="android:listSelector">@drawable/list_selector_holo_dark</item>

Solution 2:

I had the same issue with ListView's selector. I though that HoloEveruwhere would apply holo selector(blue) by default(I have tried both Theme.HoloEverywhereLight and Theme.HoloEverywhereLight), but it didn't. Maybe I am missing something.

I ended up setting the selector manually:


You have several drawable resources in the library you can make use of(list_selector_holo_light for example).

Solution 3:

A portable and correct solution would be to inherit from ListViewStyle and override the attribute, making this in your styles.xml.

If you had HoloEverywhere official library deployed remotely on a server (e.g. Maven repo) you could not depend on it mantaining a change in the styles.xml (you are modifying it for your own needs).

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