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How To Address Multiple Api End Points Using Retrofit?

In my Android project I am using the following Retrofit ApiModule for one API end point. Please note, I use Dagger for injecting dependencies. @Module( complete = false,

Solution 1:

I guess you could work with Named annotations:

        complete = false,
        library = true
)publicfinalclassApiModule {



    Endpoint provideProductsEndpoint() {
        return Endpoints.newFixedEndpoint(PRODUCTS_BASE_URL);

    Endpoint provideSubsidiariesEndpoint() {
        return Endpoints.newFixedEndpoint(SUBSIDIARIES_BASE_URL);

    ObjectMapper provideObjectMapper() {
        return objectMapper;

    RestAdapter provideProductsRestAdapter(@Named(PRODUCTS) Endpoint endpoint, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
        return newRestAdapterBuilder(objectMapper)

    RestAdapter provideSubsidiariesRestAdapter(@Named(SUBSIDIARIES) Endpoint endpoint, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
        return newRestAdapterBuilder(objectMapper)

    ProductsService provideProductsService(@Named(PRODUCTS) RestAdapter restAdapter) {
        return restAdapter.create(ProductsService.class);

    ProductsService provideSubsidiariesService(@Named(SUBSIDIARIES) RestAdapter restAdapter) {
        return restAdapter.create(ProductsService.class);

    private RestAdapter.Builder newRestAdapterBuilder(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {

Now everywhere where you inject ProductsService you need to either annotate the dependency with @Named(PRODUCTS) or @Named(SUBSIDIARIES), depending on which variant you need. Of course instead of the @Named annotations you could also create your own, custom annotations and use them. See here under "Qualifiers".

To flatten your module a bit you could move the creation of the RestAdapters into the provide*Service() methods and get rid of the provide*RestAdapter() methods. Unless you need the RestAdapters as a dependency outside of the module, of course.

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