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Asynctask And Doinbackground Errors

I have followed a number of guides and other questions I think exactly but I have an error that I can't fix. Against this line private class loadNotams extends AsyncTask

Solution 1:


protectedVoid doInBackground(String airfield)


protectedVoid doInBackground(String... airfield)


protectedVoid doInBackground(String[] airfield)

as doInBackground() methods requires array of Strings as parameter

and also change to

try {
        doc = Jsoup
                .data("retrieveLocId", airfield[0])
                .data("formatType", "ICAO")
                .data("reportType", "REPORT")
                .data("actionType", "notamRetrievalByICAOs")
                // .userAgent("Mozilla")// .cookie("auth", "token")
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

Solution 2:

Make it a variable argument method

protectedVoid doInBackground(String... airfield)

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