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Read File With Android, What Is The Expected Path?

I am not having luck with this method, which is basically a hello world for printing file contents to the Android cat log. try { InputStream instream = openFileInput(

Solution 1:

This will try to read the file inputFile.txt from your internal application data directory /data/data/your.application.package/ (and will fail if it doesn't exist):


To read a file from SD card you would do something like this:

new FileInputStream(Environement.getExternalStorageDirectory()
    .getAbsolutePath() + "/inputFile.txt")

Don't forget to set the SD card permission in your manifest then:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Solution 2:

This file should exist in the apps local 'data' directory. Does this file already exist? Have you taken a look at the documentation for file IO on Android?

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