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Showing posts from January, 2023

Making GsonRequest To Accept Empty List Or Null Array

I have a Json data to be pulled from a server. This data contains several objects and arrays. The … Read more Making GsonRequest To Accept Empty List Or Null Array

Using BLE Between Devices With React Native

I am trying to make an app that uses Bluetooth Low Energy between two smartphones in proximity usin… Read more Using BLE Between Devices With React Native

Navigation Drawer Closes On Click

I have implemented a Navigation Drawer but I am having some trouble getting it to function properly… Read more Navigation Drawer Closes On Click

Android App ICon Configuration Issue - Black & White

I'm trying to setup icon for android app but when I click the iCon setup and select Launcher Ic… Read more Android App ICon Configuration Issue - Black & White

Android Populate Listview With Custom Adapter Issue

I am receiving a NullPointerException when retreiving data from I have traced through th… Read more Android Populate Listview With Custom Adapter Issue

How To Cancel/unsubscribe From Coroutines Flow

I notice a strange behavior when trying to prematurely cancel from a Flow. Take a look at the follo… Read more How To Cancel/unsubscribe From Coroutines Flow

IllegalStateException: Couldn't Read Row 0, Col -1 From CursorWindow

IllegalStateException: couldn't read row 0, col -1 from cursorWindow. I am new to android I loo… Read more IllegalStateException: Couldn't Read Row 0, Col -1 From CursorWindow

Displaying Multiple Camera Images To Grid View

i want to display multiple images capture by camera to Grid view. i go through many questions how t… Read more Displaying Multiple Camera Images To Grid View

If Statement Being Skipped During Execution

I am having a problem with this piece of code. The if statement on line 6 is being ignored during e… Read more If Statement Being Skipped During Execution

SetCloseButtonIcon() Method Doesn't Change Default Close Button

I try to change default icon for Close Button in Chrome custom tabs (CustomTabsIntent.Builder) Simp… Read more SetCloseButtonIcon() Method Doesn't Change Default Close Button

RecyclerView Has An Instance For Each Item Of A List

I have a fragment which shows a list of tv show episodes , swiping left or right will switch to the… Read more RecyclerView Has An Instance For Each Item Of A List

How Can I Change The Font Of Search View Suggestion?

I searched for hours all they suggest is using customized cursor adapter. however I'm using con… Read more How Can I Change The Font Of Search View Suggestion?

How Do I Build Multi-Layered Scenes With AndEngine?

I am a noob to android development and i am trying to learn how to use AndEngine. I want to constr… Read more How Do I Build Multi-Layered Scenes With AndEngine?

Drawing Custom Shape Onto Canvas In Android

I've been stumped by this one for a little bit, so I figured I'd ask here to see if anyone … Read more Drawing Custom Shape Onto Canvas In Android

Cannot Find Symbol Class NotificationManagerCompat

I am trying to build a notification method that would result in a notification appearing on the loc… Read more Cannot Find Symbol Class NotificationManagerCompat

Context Vs Views

can anyone explain the difference between context and views and when do we go for context or view ?… Read more Context Vs Views

"The Type TabActivity Is Deprecated" For App Tab

'The type TabActivity is deprecated'? I am making the Tabs of app following tutorial book. … Read more "The Type TabActivity Is Deprecated" For App Tab

How To Fix The Inflation Another R.layout

I have mainactivity and gridimageactivity I Noticed that gridimageactivity is inflating the mainact… Read more How To Fix The Inflation Another R.layout

Html.fromHtml Not Working With Bold Text In Body While Share Intent In Email

String mailContent = ' boldText: ' I tried below also but not working. String mailContent … Read more Html.fromHtml Not Working With Bold Text In Body While Share Intent In Email

OpenCV Undefined References

I'm trying to link my JNI Android application with OpenCV but I get these errors ./obj/local/ar… Read more OpenCV Undefined References

Recycleview Scrolling Child Overlaps

As can be observed by the gif when scrolled the the eariler child remain in the place this started … Read more Recycleview Scrolling Child Overlaps

Synchronizing And Combining Webviews Together To Reduce Loading For Files Over 500kb

This question is a continuation of 'loading long webview over 500kb'. So as the topic sugge… Read more Synchronizing And Combining Webviews Together To Reduce Loading For Files Over 500kb

How To Manage Multiple Download With Firebase And RecyclerView

I have a RecyclerView and FirebaseRecyclerAdapter with items. Each item has reference to some files… Read more How To Manage Multiple Download With Firebase And RecyclerView

Converting RemoteView Into A View

I am trying to render a RemoteViews instance onto a Canvas, like I do with a regular View. I use R… Read more Converting RemoteView Into A View

Unable To Start Activity ,android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: No Such Table, While Compiling: SELECT * FROM Table

I am getting this error and doing first time so any suggestions, why it is coming and how to resolv… Read more Unable To Start Activity ,android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: No Such Table, While Compiling: SELECT * FROM Table

Android Firebase Database Query Returning Null

I'm trying to query a Firebase Database but keep getting null returned. Here is what the databa… Read more Android Firebase Database Query Returning Null

Failed To Install Constraintlayout For Android 1.0.2

I am new to AndroidStudio and android programing please help me to solve my problem when I create n… Read more Failed To Install Constraintlayout For Android 1.0.2

How To Enable Scrolling On A Simpleadapter On Google Glass's Firmware X16

After updating my Google Glass up to XE16 my listview, which I have built by using a simpleadapter,… Read more How To Enable Scrolling On A Simpleadapter On Google Glass's Firmware X16

How To Use In Robotium If I Have Only The Apk File

I want to test an app from play market. I have a problem when I`m trying to use solo.clickOnView(s… Read more How To Use In Robotium If I Have Only The Apk File

How To Add Sound On The Toggle Button?

I implement a Toggle Botton on Activity. I wanted to add Sound (on & off) to that button but I … Read more How To Add Sound On The Toggle Button?

Broadcast Receiver With AIRPLANE_MODE Not Working With SDK 26

Normaly, I use a simple code to put a Toast when the user change the AIRPLANE_MODE, and it work usi… Read more Broadcast Receiver With AIRPLANE_MODE Not Working With SDK 26

Selected List Item Color Moves On Scrolling The ListView In Android

In my Android application I am using listview. The code for list view is as follows Solution 1: … Read more Selected List Item Color Moves On Scrolling The ListView In Android

Android Remove All Recyclerview With Animation On A Button Click

I have a recycler view. On a button click I want to remove all the items from the recyclerview but … Read more Android Remove All Recyclerview With Animation On A Button Click

URL - FileNotFoundException For Image File In Android

I'm trying to get a image from particular URL but it throwsFileNotFoundException. If I try to o… Read more URL - FileNotFoundException For Image File In Android