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Pax Web On Knopflerfish On Android

I'm planning to start OSGi on Android with Web Services, wherein I will be able to run Java Server Pages (jsp) and Java Servlets on Android Browser. My initial step was installing

Solution 1:

First of all I strongly suggest to use the same version for all bundles of Pax-Web, second you're missing a servlet API bundle. Also it looks like you're also missing a couple of other Pax-Web bundles. You'll most likely need the following bundles:

  • pax-web-api
  • pax-web-jetty-bundle
  • pax-web-jsp
  • pax-web-runtime
  • pax-web-spi

and if you want to use wars you'll need the

  • pax-web-extender-war
  • pax-url-war
  • and a couple more ...

Latest version of Pax-Web is 3.0.2 so you should choose with care depending on what you're trying to do. You might find it helpful to check the ITests of Pax-Web (depending on the version you're going to use) for inspiration on which bundles are needed. I'd suggest to start with a minimum set. This way you start with the http-service first and enhance it to the needs you have.

Take a look at the Pax-Web project at Github and especially at the samples and itests modules for more details.

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