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Memory Leaks & OutOfMemoryError

So I am trying to find out why my app is crashing for Fatal Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 128887990 byte allocation with 16777216 free bytes and 76MB

Solution 1:

This is example how the information is being used:

Then don't build a string. Build a boolean. Something akin to this should work:

class Whatever {
    private boolean helloSeen=false;
    private boolean helloAgainSeen=false;

    public void processEvent(final AccessibilityNodeInfo source)

    private void processSubEvent(final AccessibilityNodeInfo source) {
        if (source != null){
            String text=tools.getText(source);

            if (text.contains("hello")) {

            if (text.contains("hello again")) {


            if (!helloSeen || !helloAgainSeen) {
                final int childCount = source.getChildCount();

                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    //Log.e(TAG, "Last UI: " + lastUIText);
                    AccessibilityNodeInfo child = source.getChild(i);


After processEvent() returns, helloSeen and helloAgainSeen will reflect whether your messages were encountered anywhere.

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