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Cordova Phonegap - How To Use Android API Level 21

Hey I forked the push notification plugin ( and added it to my project. The project won't compile with cordova build because I have a error:

Solution 1:

This is the progress of Cordova updating to android-21, android platform plugin v4.0 will support lollipop:

There is an issue about cookie and a temporary workaround:

I would suggest waiting for the next version, looks like 3.7.1 also updated the target api level.

I am not using cookie related feature in my project, so I just replaced "android-19" with "android-21" in


And adds preference in config.xml

<platform name="android">
    <preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="21" />

Another workaround (but ugly) is change the system cache of android plugin code:


---- Update ----

A better way of updating platform plugin will added in Cordova 4.2.1 (currently 4.1.2):

$ cordova platform add <URL>

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